Saturday, 29 September 2007

The salad dressing

Here I am in front of my salad dish and with the difficult task of preparing a sauce for it. Nothing seems more complicated once I am unskilled and not willing to resort to those industrialized dressings. Science and art are required and, what is more, the simple act of creating it reveals much of one´s personality and style. Shyness or excess, bitterness or mildness, focus or absent-mindedness, the character is unfolded as the liquids are poured.

More than the choice of the vegetables the preparation of the salad dressing shows the drama of linking two ends: the one which is known and loved and the other that holds everything that can be lost since bound to the uncertainty or the abandonment of oneself.

Monday, 3 September 2007

one way or another

…as he walks and counts his footsteps
now that mirrors are lost
finds doors in streets
so far so high as the lamps
in the image a-coming

[with ‘Preyed Upon’, by Tanita Tikaram in mind]
photo: Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo, by Ricardo Imaeda
